If you have a compounding pharmacy, you understand how important it is to maintain its productivity and reliability. This means that you need to keep it clean as well. If you do not adhere to appropriate compounding pharmacy cleanroom standards, you may find your pharmacy dealing with more downtime than it should. By adhering to appropriate ISO standards, you can protect your ISO classification and ensure your compounding pharmacy remains productive.

How can regular compounding pharmacy cleaning protect your cleanroom cleaning classification, and how can proper cleaning ensure you maximize the productivity of your compounding pharmacy?

How Regular Cleaning Can Prevent Downtime at Your Compounding Pharmacy

If you do not clean your compounding pharmacy regularly, you could end up dealing with a significant amount of downtime. If there is contamination in your compounding pharmacy, you may not be able to compound drugs appropriately, and you may be concerned about the quality of the medications you produce. Furthermore, without proper cleaning, your employees may get sick at a higher rate, which means that you will not be as productive as you should be.

In general, there are four separate sources of contamination that can cause significant issues in your compounding pharmacy cleanroom. They include issues with the environment, the tools you use, the processes you follow, and the people who work in your compounding pharmacy. If you are able to stay on top of a stringent cleaning schedule, you can reduce the chances of your compounding pharmacy getting contaminated and ensure that you remain as productive as possible.

Critical Tasks You Must Complete To Maintain Cleanliness

There are several examples of important tasks that you need to complete if you want to maximize the productivity of your compounding pharmacy. They include:

  • Vacuum Regularly: You need to make sure that you vacuum all surfaces throughout your compounding pharmacy regularly. You need to make sure that you use vacuums with the right filters, such as HEPA air filters, that will remove all possible contaminants.
  • Use the Right Cleaning Solutions: You need to make sure you use cleaning solutions that have been specifically designed for cleanrooms and pharmacies. That way, you know they will do a great job sterilizing your services.
  • Use the Right Equipment: Ideally, you need to have equipment in your compounding pharmacy that has been specifically designed for cleanrooms. Everything you use should be made of non-shedding materials to prevent contamination. 
  • Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance is a significant issue that can lead to contamination. You should try to select equipment that requires zero or minimal maintenance to reduce the chances of something breaking. 
  • Keep Plenty of Preventative Measures on Hand: It is always better to prevent contamination from happening than to fix it after it has already appeared. Make sure you have a steady supply of preventative measures available, including vinyl gloves. 

Do not forget that you also need to train your staff to ensure they minimize contamination in your compounding pharmacy. You also need to ensure that all outside personnel, including vendors, follow all necessary gowning and gloving procedures.

When To Partner With a Professional Cleanroom Cleaning Service

Furthermore, do not forget that there may come a time when you need to partner with a professional cleanroom cleaning service that can help you take care of your compounding pharmacy. Some of the signs that it is time to partner with a professional team include:

  • You have so many demands placed on your time that you are no longer able to clean your cleanroom properly.
  • You believe it is time to scale up your cleaning practices, but you do not have access to the necessary equipment to do so adequately.
  • You are worried that your compounding pharmacy may be falling short of specific ISO guidelines.

If you believe it is time to partner with a professional cleanroom cleaning service for your compounding pharmacy, there are several significant benefits you will enjoy.

The Top Benefits of Partnering With a Professional Cleanroom Cleaning Service

What are some of the top benefits of partnering with a professional cleanroom cleaning service? There are several specific reasons why you need to reach out to a professional team. A few of the top advantages include:

  • The top cleanroom cleaning service will be able to clean your compounding pharmacy from top to bottom much more quickly than you can, meaning that you don’t have to worry about cleaning getting in the way of productivity. 
  • A professional cleaning service also has access to equipment and solutions that you may not be able to use properly or afford. This means that they will be able to do a better job of cleaning your facilities.
  • A professional cleaning company also has greater knowledge regarding ISO classification standards, so they will be able to clean your compounding pharmacy to ensure you adhere to the latest guidelines.
  • You will have an easier time scaling your cleaning services. If you need to increase or decrease the frequency of your cleaning, all you need to do is reach out to your cleaning partner.

These are a few of the biggest advantages of partnering with a professional cleanroom cleaning service for your compounding pharmacy. If you are looking for a partner for Cleanroom Cleaning, look no further than Pegasus.

Work With Pegasus for Help Cleaning Your Compounding Pharmacy

Clearly, there are a variety of cleanroom classification factors you need to keep in mind if you want to make sure that you adequately clean your compounding pharmacy, and that means you need to reach out to an expert team that can help you. At Pegasus, we understand exactly what it takes to clean your compounding pharmacy and adhere to the latest standards set by the ISO. Contact us today to speak to a member of our team, and ask for a quote regarding your cleaning needs.