World Environment Day 2022

World Environment Day (WED) is a yearly event held on June 5th to raise global awareness of the need to take positive environmental action. World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations, and for almost five decades, has been raising awareness, supporting action, and driving changes for the environment. Pegasus is proud to be part of the celebration and share ideas for making our world cleaner, greener, and brighter.


Adopt an eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle

Take inventory of your energy usage and consuming habits. Make a list of ways you intend to curb your unsustainable habits and reliance on unsustainable products and replace them with sustainable ones. Turning off lights and electronics when not in use and walking to local destinations also reduce carbon emissions.


Plant some trees

Plant trees in your own or your neighbors’ yards to purify the air. Trees are great for the environment, as they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. Increasing the number of trees on Earth also helps combat climate change, provides shelters for wildlife, promotes healthy soil, and shields us from UV rays.


Purchase sustainable

Find out if your products are certified as sustainable, organic, locally made, or Fair Trade. Fair Trade products are ethically produced and take into account the native people as well as the environmental resources, in the areas they are produced. Locally made products decrease the impact on the environment because they travel less miles, which means less emissions, to make it to the consumer.




Originally posted on Medium