Hyrdrogen Peroxide
Fogging Services


Eliminate Viruses
and Pathogens

Prevent Contamination & Provide Peace of Mind.

Hydrogen Peroxide decontamination is one of the most efficient and effective ways to eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungus, and other microbes in an environment because it targets pathogens on a molecular level.

Rapidly eliminate microbes with H2O2 fogging, guaranteeing comprehensive decontamination and near-sterile indoor environments.

Group of people sitting on a seminar. They have their hand raised.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Fogging Services

Because of its ability to work on a molecular level, H202 fogging is a much more efficient and effective way of eliminating microbes than manual cleaning. Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide gets into every nook and cranny of an indoor environment, ensuring all areas are decontaminated.

In fact, it’s the only way to know with certainty that your indoor environment is nearly 100% sterile!

Pegasus uses HaloMist™

All-purpose disinfectant to fog and sterilizes areas.

HaloMist™ has been proven to be safe and has no effect on surfaces including¹:

  1. Cellphones & batteries
  2. Stainless steel & mild steel
  3. Aluminum alloys & anodized aluminum
  4. Glass-reinforced plastic (GRP)
  5. Neoprene & Perspex
  6. Polyester powder-coated aluminum
  7. Polypropylene & PTFE
  8. PVC & PVC foam
  9. Ceramic tiles
  10. Silicon rubber seals
  11. Computer systems with monitors
  12. Rubber floor tiles
Business people on a break while attending business conference, greeting and shaking hands


Last week I had the pleasure of working with the Pegasus Clean team here in Santa Clara.

The Pegasus team displayed exceptional professionalism from the moment they walked in the door. They showed great flexibility with the unique operational requirements associated with working in our spaces. Even when our team threw curveballs in the form of short deadlines and strict security requirements.

Aliyah and the team hit homerun after homerun. Aliyah was amazing at organizing the team to be as efficient as possible, getting all the work done in an extremely timely manner. I was incredibly impressed with the attention to detail that the Pegasus team brought to the table. Every individual truly went above and beyond, and I couldn’t be happier with the service your team provided.

Gabriel Carrick

Chief Engineer, Amazon Web Services